Championing social change. ✊

Corporate social responsibility comes in many forms. We believe even the smallest company can impact social change.


We support causes that matter to our clients.

We donate at least 1% of our net profit to NGOs every year, supporting organisations that raise awareness and crucial funds for societal issues worldwide:

  • Child abuse

  • Human trafficking

  • Humanitarian crises

  • Mental health

  • Migration

  • Homelessness

  • Terminal illness

  • Climate change

  • Wilderness preservation 

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We’re a carbon negative company.

Taking positive steps every day to better the climate:

  • We’ve captured over 607.5 tonnes of CO2 so far.

  • We’ve planted 9,200 square metres of reforested land (and counting).

  • We plant one tree for every single invoice paid 🌲

  • We partner with tree-planting projects and organisations to make our efforts as effective as possible. Most are international, where we can have the biggest impact.

So far, our partnerships have mostly contributed to projects that have reforested large areas of mangrove forest in Madagascar. These trees help keep the Madagascan coastline stable, diversifying and restoring the natural balance of nature and preserving the environment for native species and ecosystems. 

The project also offers long-term employment for the people that plant them – lifting local communities out of extreme poverty. 


We offset our website’s co2 emissions.

Every year, a website releases several kilograms of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. The electricity consumed by remote website servers when they’re being used accounts for 2% of the world’s air pollution, matching the airline industry! 

Here at Unbaffled we track our website usage and calculate its related emissions. Our partners then plant the trees needed to offset these emissions.


We’re never done.

We’re passionate about businesses doing good in the world, and that includes us. As people who are always looking for ways to improve and make purposeful impact, we welcome helpful suggestions – so if there are any ways you think we can do better💡, let us know.